
USA 1-800-983-8077

Updated Feb. 5, 2025 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA GMT-10

International Mentality Even though we are a USA Company, 95% of our business is shipped to destinations OUTSIDE of the USA. Obviously some by ocean cargo some by air shipments. And of course to freight forwarders within the USA. 

Primary Markets South America, Asia, Central Asia, South East Asia.

Secondary Markets Eastern, Western Europe.

Supporting Developing Regions as there is tremendous growth in developing Countries, we invite ANY size company to contact us for any of your sourcing needs or questions.

Business Type: International Manufacturers Sales Agents, Importers, Exporters, Representatives Coordinating for various NVOCC's and Freight Fowarders to from South Amercia, Asia, Central, South East Asia, Eastern and Western Europe.

Honolulu Manufacturing Some brands Made in Honolulu are marketed and distributed through our company on a regional, contractual agreement.

Licensed Goods Trade Shows participation to be announced.  

International Air Shipping Based in Honolulu, Hawaii we ship out next business day primarily DHL and FedEx, UPS, Yamato Transport. And of course we work with freight forwarders and NVOCC's yours and ours.   

Pricing for simplicity are initally quoted in the USD. Invoicing in other currencies, please contact us, we are very flexible. SPOT Quotes gladly issued C.I.F. and/or F.O.B on request.

Communication Please contact us by LINE (Asia), Telegram, WhatsApp and/or the contact form on this website. With the popularity of Red Note, we invite Business Worldwide to feel free all questions and product requests are invited. We are friendly !

请通过 LINE(亚洲)、Telegram、WhatsApp 和/或本网站上的联系表格与我们联系。随着 Red Note 的流行,我们邀请全球企业随时提出所有问题和产品请求。我们很友好!

Veuillez nous contacter par LINE (Asie), Telegram, WhatsApp et/ou le formulaire de contact sur ce site. Avec la popularité de Red Note, nous invitons Business Worldwide à se sentir libre de répondre à toutes vos questions et demandes de produits. Nous sommes amicaux !

請透過 LINE (亞洲)、 Telegram 、 WhatsApp 同/或者呢個網站嘅聯絡表格同我哋聯絡。隨住紅色筆記嘅普及,我哋邀請全球商業機構隨時提出所有問題同產品要求,我哋都好友善!

Бізбен LINE (Азия), Telegram, WhatsApp және/немесе осы веб-сайттағы байланыс нысаны арқылы хабарласыңыз. Red Note танымал болғандықтан, біз Business Worldwide компаниясын барлық сұрақтар мен өнім сұрауларын қабылдауға шақырамыз. Біз татумыз!

Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по LINE (Азия), Telegram, WhatsApp и/или через контактную форму на этом сайте. С ростом популярности Red Note мы приглашаем Business Worldwide не стесняться, все вопросы и запросы на продукцию приветствуются. Мы дружелюбны!

Comuníquese con nosotros por LINE (Asia), Telegram, WhatsApp y/o el formulario de contacto de este sitio web. Con la popularidad de Red Note, invitamos a las empresas de todo el mundo a que se sientan libres de hacer preguntas y solicitar productos. ¡Somos amigables!

Будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами через LINE (Азія), Telegram, WhatsApp та/або контактну форму на цьому веб-сайті. З огляду на популярність Red Note, ми запрошуємо Business Worldwide не соромитися, щоб отримати будь-які запитання та запити на продукти. Ми дружні!